Ancient Priestess Initiation

Stand up & Reclaim Your Power.
Bow to the Wisdom of the Ancients that know the Holistic Healing Way. Honor the Ancient Codes within you - calling you home to these Sacred Practices & Ways. 
Bow to the Goddess within you & embark on your Path.


Soul Sistar, You Are Here for a Reason

You have a Mission resting in Your Heart & You're Determined to do it in a Soul Aligned & Fulfilling Way. I see you. You're in the Right Place.

Ancient Priestess Initiation guides & trains you to Learn how to Develop your Spiritual Gifts, Build a Connection to your Spirit Team, Heal & Align your Being, Receive Radical Sacred Business Training & Become Empowered to Radiate your Light, Your Medicine & Your Soul’s Mission out into the world in a Spirit-led, Soul Aligned way to Become an Abundant Healer.

Are you Ready to Deem Yourself Worthy?

Are you ready to follow your heart & soul’s guidance to step onto the path of healing & ushering in the New Earth Paradigm?

Are you looking to become a multi-faceted & multi-talented healer that can support their clients in a Holistic way while developing your Spiritual Gifts, Creating Strong Relationships with your Spiritual Team, Gaining Multiple Certifications & Creating a Successful Spiritual Biz that spreads like wildfire?

This is THE leading course to support you in upleveling like never before. This 12 month Initiation supports you to create the impact you desire, while creating great financial abundance & nourishing your Being along the journey. This is THE space where we skillfully combine multiple modalities & bring it together for you to create unique & beautiful offerings for the world.

Gain Multiple Certifications & Trainings in the realm of Healing Arts, Awakening Ancient Codes, Creating A Successful Spiritual Biz, Deepening Your Spiritual Gifts & Intuition



Inside of Ancient Priestess Initiation, we cultivate Sacred Magic & open to the Miraculous in a multitude of ways. Are you ready to steep in the magic alongside of me?

LIVE Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls

24 Coaching Calls to take you on a deeply supported journey of learning, healing, training, balancing & aligning yourself to set you up for radical freakin’ success in your life & biz.

Multiple Certifications

Become a Holistic Practitioner who is deeply skilled in facilitation & Healing work with Certifications in:
-Breathwork & Meditation
-Holy Fire III Reiki Levels 1-3
-Munay Ki Rites
-Ancient Priestess Portal Stewardship

Messenger Support

Real-time Messenger Support in our Ancient Priestess Group Chat & Group Chat Pods to receive individualized support outside of our Group Coaching Calls & Sacred Circles.

1 Year Supply of Vibrational Healing Potions

Receive 12 Packages, 1 per month from Tori with Healing Vibrational Potions to support your healing, alignment, tuning into subtle vibrations & connecting into Mother Earth Energy.

Workbooks & Templates

Monthly Ancient Priestess Workbooks to give you structure & support you through Shadow Work, Healing Your Money Story, Crafting your Sacred Biz & Offerings, alongside many other pieces & parts necessary to create wildfire success.

Psychic Upgrades & Activations

Receive 24 Pre-Recorded Videos to Access Expanded States of Consciousness, Heal, Remove Old Stories & Wounds, Release Old Ways, Empower you on your Healing Journey & Connect into Your Sacred Imagination in a myriad of Sacred Ways.

Private Sacred Community - A Soul Family

Be Invited to Join our Private, Sacred Community only for this Program & the Priestesses walking the path in integrity, deep honor of the work, & spreading their light out into the world. A Sacred, Conscious, Accepting & Deeply Loving Community that is truly a Soul family.

Q + A Mentorship Calls

12 Calls to support you & the other Priestesses in Answering any questions you have to support you along this journey to the best possible capacity Tori & her badass Spiritual Team can.

Sacred Ceremonies

4 Pre-Recorded Ceremonies to support you at the close of each chapter of the journey to Awaken your Spiritual Gifts, Enhance your Connection to the Sacred, Your Spiritual Counsel, & Mother Earth in a Sacred Way, while Stepping into being an Embodied, Empowered Leader.

3 Healing Sessions

[In person or Online] Receive 3 Individual Healing Sessions from Tori to Remove Blockages, Receive Channeled Messages from Spirit & Guidance on how to best support yourself on this journey. Release old energetic attachments, heal past life issues, cut old cords, awaken your power, heal & align yourself in body, mind, & Spirit.

LIFETIME Access to Curriculum

Feel a bit overwhelmed that you have 12 months to work with Tori & her badass Spiritual Team? No worries babe! We got you! You’ll have LIFETIME access to this curriculum so that you can review it and return to it whenever you need.

What This Program Really Is To Meā€¦

Sacred, Divine Service. Whole-Hearted Leadership. A Radical Initiation into the Healer’s Path.
A Deepening of Your Connection To the Sacred.
A Journey towards your greatest expression & contribution to this World.
Divine Love.
Sacred Embodiment.
Profound Self Trust & Self Love.

This Deep, Dynamic & Well-Rounded Program Will Have Youā€¦

The Key Pillars of this Sacred Immersion

Magnetize Clients to you by being deeply embodied in what you do
as your sacred service.

Step into Your Priestess Power & Own your Energy like a GODDESS so that you can create with precision & share your light with this world.

Awaken Ancient Codes that will allow you to radiate confidence into the world like its your soul’s friggen job, with an abundance of trainings & resources at your fingertips

  • Awaken Radical Trust, Self Love, profound healing & no longer feel lost along your Spiritual Journey 
  • Activate your Spiritual Gifts, develop a deep relationship with your intuition, your Spiritual Team & know how to allow it to guide you in your life
  • Walk away with Multiple Certifications to empower your healing work & help you transform lives on a daily basis with integrity
  • Step into radical self honoring & soul-nourishment while embodying your hearts purpose
  • Dissolve Blocks Around Stepping into the Path of being a Healer, of Owning your own Medicine & Awakening the Sacred Wild, Divine Feminine Within
  • Awaken Your Goddess Self Awareness with profound Humility, Honoring your Human Experience & the Sacredness of it all.
  • Cultivate a hella ABUNDANT Healing Biz that lights your Soul on Fire in the most beautiful way
  • Birth A Sacred Offering into the World with Integrity, Spaciousness, Self Honor & Deep Guidance throughout the process
  • Make it Easier with DONE-FOR- YOU templates from Tori including graphics, waivers, contracts, & all that you’ll need to set yourself up for success 
  • Revolutionize Your Healing Biz - Stop Trading Hours for Dollars & Bring your work together in a cohesive way to create incredible transformation and healing for your clients.
  • Expand Your Consciousness as you step into Radical Self Awareness & support the rising of Collective Consciousness & be able to expand your capacity to hold others in Sacred Space.
  • Be a Respected Healer who is calling in Great Financial Wealth & Monetary Abundance so that you can be a leader in creating the New World & Revolutionize the World


"Working with you was exactly what I needed in a time of uncertainty in new beginnings. I felt so safe and supported under your incredibly intuitive guidance as you helped me navigate stepping into my untapped power. The transformations that unfolded within me during our time together felt nothing short of magic and I could NOT have done it without you! I'll carry all of your love and wisdom with me as I continue on my journey. This is definitely a time I will look back on fondly. I do hope to work with you again in the future. Until then, Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so wonderfully you!"

Melisa H
Intuitive Healer & Guide

Activate & Amplify...


  1. Your Soul’s Divine Mission - know your mission, your vision, your service to this world with profound clarity & steward it impeccably
  2. Your Spiritual Gifts in Service to the Divine with profound reverence & humility for this Sacred Blessing & Gift
  3. Your Thriving Sacred Business with integrity, grace, intuitive flow & balance of the masculine & feminine
  4. Your skills, knowledge & Healing tool belt with multiple Certifications to support your Soul Client’s with.



My Message to My Soul Familyā€¦

You are here to usher in a New Earth,
To awaken the Collective Consciousness
By Turning your Wounds into Your Wisdom.

You’ve been through hardship, you’ve endured so much,
But there is another way.
A path of healing, of profound connection, radical love & acceptance,
Of connecting back into our Earth Mother,
Into ourselves to cultivate safety, sacred space & reclaim our freedom.

You are here to remind Humans on this Planet of the Ancient Ways,
The Ancient Wisdom that our Grandmother’s, Grandmother’s knew & lived diligently by.
You’re here to share your gifts as an intuitive healer, as a stewardess of the Earth, to share Mother Earth’s Healing Codes with the Collective,
To Support Her children in healing & raising the Collective Vibration.
You are here to call yourself home into your body & being, & to invite others to do the same.
You are here to remember, sister.
Remember that we are divinely placed in the here & now to share our beautiful Sacred light out into the world unapologetically & support others in feeling safe to do so, too.
You were chosen, self-initiated into calling in self liberation, radical healing & freedom to show others what is possible.
You are here to support beings of the light to follow their heart, to heal, to purge the poisons of their past & turn them into our greatest gifts.
You are a light carrier with a Holy, Divine & Purely Sacred Mission contracted to serve many souls.

In this training we train & mentor you to create & steward a Sacred Business in the highest integrity to become an Abundant Healer, to be a Student & Server of the Divine & be a beacon of hope for what is truly possible.

Are you with one of us?

A Stewardess of the Divine


Meet your Priestess & Medicine Wombyn…

I’m Tori Cummings, an ANCIENT PRIESTESS,  SACRED PORTAL KEEPER, & A Respectful, Integritous MEDICINE WOMAN who is the leading expert in Sacred Spirituality & Creating Thriving Healing Businesses in A Synergistic Way.

My mission & medicine within my soul is to empower souls to freedom, to cultivate a New Earth, while reconnecting to Mother Earth’s Medicine & Healing codes; to turn one’s wounds into their life’s greatest wisdom & teach others how to turn that into a Radical, Soul Aligned & Abundant AF Sacred Business. I am here to empower those who felt lost & suffered for so long & know that there is another way of life & share this on a mass scale to empower the world & everyone to share their soul’s light & divine mission.

My soul is Ancient, it was crafted in the Underworld & I reawakened to it’s mission this time around because I am here to play a big role in supporting soul-aligned, open hearted leaders to steward the New Earth Consciousness into being.

I cultivated this program to support the next wave of healers in excelling within their craft, their business & creating collective positive impact. I put together all that you need to create a successful hybrid biz model (in person & online), alongside multiple certifications for you to radically support your clients in their transformation & healing
so that together we can create a bountiful ripple of healing & profound transformation in this World.

It is a blend of online live spirit based mentorship, self paced training experience that takes you on a transformative journey to both acquire multiple skillsets, move through your shadows, heal your story with money, & become a creatrix of a Divinely Guided Business while being in ayni or a right way.

Apply to join Tori on this 12 month Journey in Ancient Priestess Initiation by clicking the button below...


 I have a DECADE of experience in Shadow Work & Spiritual Studies, as well as over 10+ years of real - world application of the transformational processes that I guide & teach to ensure success.

I have built a successful healing biz & Conscious Wellness Hub from the ground up with no funding other than the money already in my bank account (which wasn’t a whole lot after deciding to part ways from college after studying to become an OB/GYN). All of this during what many deem to be one of the hardest times to grow & cultivate a thriving business during Covid & 2020. I not only created a bountiful in person biz, but a thriving online biz too.
I am an Intuitive Goddess who will help guide you along your journey of Awakening your Spiritual Gifts & Create A Thriving Biz without holding anything back to ensure your radical growth! I am someone who LOVES to give & won’t hold any guidance back that is meant to be shared with you, even if that means additional trainings inside of the container.

I graduated Valedictorian, have a whole lot of  book smarts & street smarts to help you REACH people that you are meant to serve & do so with integrity and not throwing spaghetti at the wall. I have been the Recipient of over 20 scholarships & Awards for Scholarly Excellence & Public Speaking.

I have dedicated over 10,000 hours to my craft & being of service - which many say is MASTERY of their craft…
I have obtained over 10 Certifications in Healing Arts & Spiritual Development & over 3,000 hours of clearly documented training time dedicated to studies
I will give you mind blowing Spiritual Tactics & Strategy combined with humility, grace & grit to Awaken your Inner Priestess & Steward your Sacred Business to create the Abundance that you desire.
I have been embodying my Spiritual Path for a Decade & went from all over the place energetically at the start of her journey to grounding the lessons deeply into my body - like I use to run on coffees & trauma (really my need to people please & be as perfect as possible) like it was my job. Now I have transformed myself & my life radically. I am a Potent Channel of the Divine that offers powerful transmissions unlike any other.
Apply For A Soul Strategy Call Today

"Tori has mentored me for a few months, & wow. Whilst working with her, I finally took the leap to leave my full time 9-5 job, face my fears, and identify some of my greatest personal challenges. She has helped give me the courage to take leaps forward into the (scary) world of the unknown, AKA entrepreneurship! She has provided me with a beautiful safe space where I can ask questions without judgment, and express dreams and ideas without ever feeling embarrassed or silly. So I would definitely, 10/10 recommend, not only taking the time for yourself, but to welcome this beautiful soul to gracefully guide and mentor you through this wild ride of life!"

Kassia O.
Yogi, Photographer + Spiritual Entrepreneur

Apply to Join Ancient Priestess Initiation Now

12 months. Multiple Certifications. Deep Inner Work & Healing. Transformative Guidance. Sacred Biz Training & so much more MAGIC.


50% Complete

Two Step

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