Re-kindling our relationship with the Natural World

 Trauma - Informed Microdosing, Integration + Ceremonial Facilitation Course
Welcoming you into a life of greater fulfillment
A Journey to reawaken your connection with the Natural World, learning how to re-weave your kinship to the bountiful blessings that Mother Earth provides for us to heal + come home into our authentic hearts.

This Certification Program will empower and educate you on how to have intimate conversations + build relationships with the plant world to support you in not only deepening your connection to the plant + fungi kingdom, but also to yourself.

Trauma Informed Leadership
Sacred Microdosing
Breathwork + Meditation
Self Ceremony Trainings

To support you in becoming a well-rounded Microdosing + Integration Support Specialist to support your community in coming home to their authentic selves + expanding their awakening consciousness to come back home to the space of unity and oneness with the world.

Option to join Level 2 for a 6 month journey to become a Certified Practitioner + Facilitator of Ceremony

Level 3, a 12 month Journey is Available for those who are feeling called to Steward the Medicine Carrier Path and work with Expanded States of Consciousness + Entheogenic Plants that are wanting to do so in integrity and in good way. Level 3 is Invitation Only for those that we see are ready to carry these ways into their community.  

I am calling forward the sisters, brothers and non-binary folk who are ready to help expand consciousness on Mother Earth

Helping to awaken the world into Unity Consciousness & Supporting one's Community to come into their Authentic Hearts and Selves.

You might be asking what's Included in Plant Medicine Magick, and what do the different levels offer - here's a breakdown for you to clarify the abundance we're offering you inside...

What's Different About This Course?


This Certification Course is for Those Who:

Feel the inner calling to learn how to re-weave the knowledge of our Ancestors into their everyday lives & Desire to build a Relationship with the Natural World, while becoming Certified in the Art of Sacred Microdosing, Integration, Breathwork + Meditation, & Trauma Informed Leadership to help to awaken consciousness on our Planet. People of all Genders are Welcome to Join this beautiful journey.

We begin in the New Year

On January 18th, 2024


This Course is By Application Only

We welcome with wide open arms those who we feel are ready to do this work + steward these medicines into the world in integrity & those who are willing to invest in their education, self-growth & their own evolution. The investment varies depending upon what level of the course you are desiring to partake in. This first cohort will be offered this course at HALF PRICE of what it will be when we open the doors again in late December.

Why Join Me in this Journey... how will it benefit you?

A Breakdown of the Levels & Who Is Invited to Join This Life-Changing Journey


It's my Soul's Calling to Uplift other Healers to Step into their Power, their Spiritual Gifts + Serve the World in beauty way.

I want to support you and your beautiful heart to serve in the ways that feel in alignment to your soul. I want to share with you the culmination of my life's work & over 10 years of experience to help awaken the world - welcoming the masses to expand their consciousness & heal - body, mind + spirit


We gift a lot within this course, but for those of you that dive in we offer some extra special gifts for saying YES to your heart + soul's calling

This is NOT for People Whom:

Are unwilling to do their own Shadow + Healing Work, are close-minded, are not willing to check themselves + their intentions, are wanting to do this for the sake of show or thinking that one is Holier-than-Thou, are not willing to be taught + mentored, or are not feeling an intuitive pull towards connecting with the Natural World.

Join me on This Journey Beginning on January 18th, 2024

Rekindle your relationship with the Natural World + Reweave you kinship with the land to remember the Ancient Wisdom of your Ancestors, while becoming Certified in Multiple Modalities to support the Expansion of Consciousness on Earth


More About Plant Medicine Magick...

Mentorship Calls

2, 75 - 90 min. LIVE Mentorship Calls per month. 
The 1st & 3rd Thursday's of the month
6-7:30pm EST
Starting January 18th.

Sacred Heart Healing Ceremony

We'll all gather together in Ceremony with one of my favorite healing Sacraments to co-create our lives with the MORE, the Divine, the Holy Creator.


We're offering Partial Scholarships to BIPOC & LGBTQIA + peoples that range from savings of $999 to $5,000 off to rise up those who are deeply desiring to serve their communities in this Sacred Service. 

Lifetime Access to Curriculum

When enrolling in this course, you receive access to this course for the Lifetime of my Site - meaning you can access it any time to refresh your memory when you need along your journey. 

Guarantee & Refund Policy

We guarantee that if you implement everything we teach you and you still feel as though you aren't ready to go and support your community - we'll offer you an additional MONTH in the program at no cost to you. We do not offer refunds on this course, but we will support you in feeling confident in this work before we send you out into the world to serve. 

For All People

We yearn to support folks of all backgrounds, ethnicities, genders & encourage you to join us if you are feeling the pull. We have a zero tolerance policy for any disrespect and welcome us to come into Unity Consciousness to help Awaken the World. 

Why Plant Medicine Magick?

This course is so much more than your typical Microdosing Course. It teaches you how to reconnect with the land to bridge this gap that causes so much suffering in this world - and help you to reawaken your kinship with the land and connecting into the Gaian Mind. While teaching you how to integrate all of the wisdom and magic you experience while communing with these Plant Spirits. We have byndled together all that you need in one place rather than having to buy different courses to support you in this Sacred & Life Revolutionizing work. 

If you feel the pull... this IS for you.

If you're second guessing, questioning if this is the path for you, but you keep feeling pulled to apply to join us inside, or if you're worried about investing in yourself because you're struggling to believe that you can do this - I hear you, I see you, I was you. I recommend applying and taking a leap of faith in yourself to heed this Calling to serve yourself and your community, and we'll be here the whole way supporting you in revolutionizing your confidence to steward this work and support yourself and others in transforming lives for the betterment of humanity. 

" Working with you was exactly what I needed in a time of uncertainty in new beginnings. I felt so safe and supported under your incredibly intuitive guidance as you helped me navigate stepping into my untapped power. The transformations that unfolded within me during our time together felt nothing short of magic and I could NOT have done it without you! I'll carry all of your love and wisdom with me as I continue on my journey. This is definitely a time I will look back on fondly. I do hope to work with you again in the future. Until then, Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so wonderfully you!"

Melisa H.
Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Mentor & Published Poet

"Tori herself is simply a magick worker! Words can not express my gratitude for her! She has changed my life in such a profound way! I will forever be grateful for her, and the knowledge she has shared with me. She was 150% supportive, answered all questions, concerns, and always made me feel like my points were valid and worth bringing up! She always was there to celebrate my successes with me…even though we were many many miles apart! Through Tori’s suggestions in her holistic outlook I am seeing so many positive changes in many areas of my health + overall wellness. The Products are simply amazing + I’ll be a lifelong customer”"

Marissa A.
Intuitive Healer + Teacher

Meet Your Mentor -
Tori Cummings

Tori Cummings is a Medicine Wombyn, Priestess, Holistic Healer, + International Teacher who awoke to the Natural World again through a journey with Psilocybin Mushrooms 10 years ago.

With this experience, she was shown her purpose in this world. The Spirits of the plants began to call her forward to work with them - she dove into studying Herbalism + rekindling her connection to the Natural World and all the blessings that Mother Earth supplies all around us.

This rippled into a journey that Tori thought unimaginable, yet she had been in a deep prayer as she worked with these Sacred Plant Spirits to be shown how to be of the highest use + service.

This is when the teachers came - for multiple healing modalities + carrying plant medicine and following the Medicine Woman Path. Where she studied with Shamans, Healers + Mystics to learn the nuances of subtle energy, of what these entheogenic plants are capable of, alongside of becoming trained in Fertile Facilitation within Ceremony settings.

Tori has been hosting + assisting Ceremonies of all sorts for over 6 years, alongside beautiful medicine carriers, while learning along the way how to integrate the teachings of these Sacred Plants of various sorts + do the deep shadow work that it takes to become an open-hearted leader + torch carrier in her community.

She recognized the power of Microdosing + has been doing Private Sessions with Clients in her community to support them with this beautiful process + desires for this to be more widely spread + done in a really impeccable way. The most profound story Tori has about her journey with microdosing was after a serious health scare from a mold-infested living situation that brought her into a Dark Night of the Soul where she fell deep into depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation + what felt like withering away as her body got skinnier + skinnier. She turned to Microdosing at this time in her life and pulled herself out of the trenches, moved out of that space + healed her body, mind + spirit after that dark time that felt all encompassing. She returned stronger + more empowered than ever before + utilizes microdosing as needed now a days to support her in her journey of deepening her intuition, leadership + supporting her clients both in person + online

Tori has 10 years of real life experience walking this path, as a Holistic Healer + Way Shower, including being trained and certified in Ceremonial Facilitation, Energy Healing [Holy Fire Reiki Master + Alchemical Healing], Breathwork + Meditation, 1000+ hrs in Yoga Teaching Training, Expanded States of Consciousness, Bodywork, + Herbalism and it would be an honor for her to share these deeply Sacred Ways + Teachings with you.

With utmost love,

Meet Your Featured
Microdosing Mentor -

Caitlyn Openshaw

Caitlyn Openshaw is a microdosing + integration coach, passionate about the natural world, entheogens, and guiding her peers towards self-actualization. 

She began her journey with entheogens at age 16, after being diagnosed with different mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, ODD, and ADHD.  Caitlyn was then prescribed 2 different medications that worked temporarily, before intensifying her condition. It was around this time that Caitlyn began seriously questioning her will to exist, and isolated herself from the world.

After her first experience with LSD, for the first time in a long time, she felt clarity. The connections she was longing for, the change that she craved, she realized, was all up to her to pursue. Accountability, connecting with the natural world, + embracing what it means to be 100% authentically you - these are just some of her big takeaways from her initial experience.

Although she has great reverence for entheogens as medicine, when they were first introduced to her, it was in a community where grounding + integration was admittedly rejected. This caused Caitlyn to abuse the substances with this community due to their rejection of integration of these profound experiences and eventually, fall into a mild form of psychosis. After recovering from this, she dove deep into psychedelic education + integration so that she could support others who’ve had similar experiences and guide people in the most important part of the journey - the integration
 Throughout her journey, the diagnoses she received became not only manageable without medication - but nearly invisible. The problems she was experiencing was her spirit trying to take sovereignty. 
That first experience awoke a part of her that she felt had been missing. Once, a woman who strayed away from traditional education, she found herself engulfed in curiosity + a necessity to explore + educate herself around the human condition - and how we can electrify our mundane lives. She believes that entheogens can support us in a “quantum leap”, regarding our quality of life, as long as we actually take the leap!
 With 7 years of psychedelic experience + exploration, 3 Microdosing + Integration certificates, and 100% passion - Caitlyn is eager to support others in their medicine journeys in a way that is safe, expansive, + exciting.


50% Complete

Two Step

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