Deepen your Kinship with the Natural World, Expand your Consciousness, and serve your community in beauty way. 

Trauma - Informed Microdosing, Integration, Herbalism, Energy Healing, Akashic Records + Ceremonial Facilitation Course

Welcoming you into a life of greater fulfillment

Do you hear the call?

What is Plant Medicine Magick?




A Journey to reawaken your connection with the Natural World, learning how to re-weave your kinship to the bountiful blessings that Mother Earth provides for us to heal + come home into our authentic hearts.

This Certification Program will empower and educate you on how to have intimate conversations + build relationships with the plant world to support you in not only deepening your connection to the plant + fungi kingdom, but also to yourself - 

Re-sensitizing your system to REMEMBER how YOU are Nature & can channel the wisdom of our Earth Mother, The Elements, the Plants & so much more...

Trauma Informed Leadership
Sacred Microdosing Training
Breathwork + Meditation Training
Energy Healing + Alchemical Healing Training
Self Ceremony Training
Ceremonial Facilitation Training
Akashic Records Reading Training
Folk Herbalism Training

To support you in becoming a well-rounded phenomenal Facilitator of Transformation, Holistic Healer, Microdosing + Integration Support Specialist & Ceremonialist to support your community in coming home to their authentic selves + expanding their awakening consciousness to come back home to the space of unity and oneness with the world.

There are multiple levels of this program, depending on what you are feeling called to in your path of Service. 

Level 1 - a 5 month journey to Certify you as a Trauma Informed Magic of Microdosing Practitioner,  Integration Specialist & Folk Herbalist

Level 2 - a 6 month journey that builds upon level 1 to become a Certified Practitioner + Facilitator of Ceremony with Gentle Plant Ally's such as Blue Lotus, Cacao, Rose, and the plethora of herbal medicines alike.

Level 3 - a 12 month Journey that builds upon level 2 is Available for those who are feeling called to Steward the Medicine Carrier Path and work with Expanded States of Consciousness + Entheogenic Plants that are wanting to do so in integrity and in good way. Level 3 is Invitation Only (Tori will invite you on the call if she sees this fit for your life path) for those that we see are ready to carry these ways into their community. 

What this Multi-Certification Course offers...


I am calling forward the sisters, brothers and non-binary folk who are ready to help expand consciousness on Mother Earth

Helping to awaken the world into Unity Consciousness & Supporting one's Community to come into their Authentic Hearts and Selves. We yearn to support folks of all backgrounds, ethnicities, genders & encourage you to join us if you are feeling the pull. We have a zero tolerance policy for any disrespect and welcome us to come into Unity Consciousness to help Awaken the World.

What's Included in Plant Medicine Magick & what do the different levels offer?

Here is a breakdown for you to clarify the abundance Tori is offering you inside of this life & service revolutionizing container for you to deepen your skills as a Practitioner...

What's Different About This Course?


This Certification Course is for Those Who:

Feel the inner calling to learn how to re-weave the knowledge of our Ancestors into their everyday lives & Desire to build a Relationship with the Natural World, while becoming Certified in the Art of Sacred Microdosing, Integration, Breathwork + Meditation, Folk Herbalism, Akashic Record Readings, & Trauma Informed Leadership to help to awaken consciousness on our Planet. People of all Genders are Welcome to Join this beautiful journey.

Plant Medicine Magick Welcomes

You into the act of remembrance, empowering you with a wide array of healing tools and doorways in which you can welcome yourself and others into healing, while supporting you to come home into your inner knowing, activating dormant DNA to awaken your magic & find your own unique magic.

This Program helps you come into a deeper, more profound relationship with your intuition, helping you to remember who you are and why you came here again - and guiding you into your most aligned path rooted in trust of your ancient wisdom.


Module 1: Plant Conversations + Cultivating Relations[hips]

Welcome yourself into seeing plants as Sacred Teachers, learn how to rekindle your relationship with the Natural Land, How to Build Relationships with Plants and the Natural World that abundantly surrounds us, and how to work with these Herbal Ally's to become trained in Folk Herbalism. You will also learn how to formulate herbal teas, potions, tinctures, elixirs, and skin care products.

Module 2: Integrating the Magick

Become Educated and Trained as an Integration Specialist to help guide yourself + others in self-actualization through the process of Microdosing and working with Sacred Master Plant Teachers in Sub-perceptual amounts. Learn various Integration Practices, how to create your own Integration Process through Embodiment, Cultivate Intentional Spaces + Tap into the Magic within your body, mind and heart.

Module 3: The Sacred Art of Microdosing

Receive Training on how to work with Sacred Master Plant Teachers in sub-perceptual amounts in the Sacred Art of Microdosing as a Protocol + Ritual. Learn the different Protocols of working with various kinds of Entheogenic Plants and how to implement these practices to enhance our human experience and increase healing, creativity & resilience for yourself and others.

Module 4: Trauma Informed Leadership

Become a Trauma Informed Leader & Facilitator who understands triggers or what I deem activations, how to help ground people and guide them back into their bodies, and support them in their healing process in a deeply understanding and nonjudgemental way. You'll learn how to support people in regulating their nervous systems and how to do this for yourself so that you can become embodied and an even better facilitator.

Module 5: Self Ceremony

Magnify the Magick within your life by learning the Ancient Art of Ritual + Ceremony to create more deeply intentional and Sacred Spaces. Learning how to co-create your reality with the MORE - Great Spirit, Mother Nature, God / Goddess - or your honored diety / dieties. You will learn how to create Self Generated Ceremonies alongside various forms of Traditional Ceremony, while deepening your relationship with your 3 - 5 tools of choice.

Module 6: Ceremonial Facilitation

Receive Training in Trauma Informed Ceremonial Facilitation where you learn how to become a Steward or Stewardess of Sacred Portals, learn how to hold ceremony in good way -with utmost integrity in your heart + support people in their evolution of Consciousness. Learn how to support yourself and others in ceremony with Healing Herbal Ally's in Level 2, and how to Facilitate with Expanded States of Consciousness in Level 3.

Module 7: Conduit of the Sacred

Learn how to become a Clear Channel of the More, the Holy Creator, Universal Consciousness, Jah, The Most High, or whatever you feel the more to be; alongside learning how to deepen your connection and communication with both Higher Dimensional & Earthly Realm Energies. This program is non-dogmatic as Tori believes your truth is your truth, yet we work with both the seen & unseen realms to support you in your healing work for the power of good & the highest and best of all across all timelines, dimensions, places & spaces.

Module 8: Anchoring Into & Trusting the Magick

Learn how to Co-Create your life with the Divine ~ learning various Neuro-hacking practices, Tried & True Manifestation Practices, How to Connect into Your Intuition to become a Sovereign being rooted in Authenticity and a deep honoring of yourself and your truth; while learning how to trust yourself as you support others in their healing and transformation.

Module 9 & 10: Sacred Business Stewardship

Receive Training & Education in Stewarding or Leading a Sacred Business with your Soul Mission resting at the Heart of all you do, so that you can know how to put your Sacred Work out into the World and receive Holy Cash Money in beauty way. Serving from a space of Alignment, with a central focus on Service, and helping your community heal, grow, evolve and enhance their human experience.

Module 11: Fertile Facilitation

When leading Ceremony, Tori always says it's not a "cookie cutter" process. In the Traditional Lakota Lineage that she is passing forward, with the blessing of her teacher, we honor that ceremonies need different processes depending on the intentions your participants hold within their hearts as they approach this work. Learn how to curate ceremonies in an intuitively guided way as you come into prayer with the medicines & how to approach situations individually to have the greatest impact and healing transpire. Learn how to become a Conduit, a Hollow Bone of the Medicine(s) you work with so that you can support people in radical transformation and healing in your ceremonies.

Module 12: Authentic Leadership, Excellent Client Experience & Wealth Custodianship

Be imparted with the wisdom of stepping further into Leadership - with a wide open heart, rooted in authenticity and truly being you so that you can serve the people that are meant to receive from you. Understand how to create an excellent client experience - leaving clients feeling well supported and changed, while deepening trust within you so that they feel safe to go even deeper in their healing alongside you. And learn how to hold wealth in a Sacred Way, where we are giving back to Indigenous peoples, who this work comes from, how to be in good way with Holy Cash Money & how to be an impeccable steward of Wealth in this world.

Guest Teachers

within Plant Medicine Magick that have offered their beautiful Wisdom, Magick & Teachings inside of this Program, Tori has taught many Bonus Trainings on different topics as well, plus additional Guest Teachers will continue to be added into this beautiful course as we continue...

Testimonials from Students in PMM

Fela Wolf - A powerful Energy Healer & Medicine Woman


We begin on the Equinox

On Thursday, March 20th

Early Bird Rates are Available until 
February 15th, 2025.


This Course is By Application Only

We welcome with wide open arms those who we feel are ready to do this work + steward these medicines into the world in integrity & those who are willing to invest in their education, self-growth & their own evolution. The investment varies depending upon what level of the course you are desiring to partake in. When you apply, you will Book a Call with Tori so that you can connect in and truly see if this path is going to serve you and your soul mission at the highest and best for all.

Why Join Tori in this Journey... how will it benefit you?

Outcomes of Investing into this Journey of Plant Medicine Magick & Yourself...


  • Receive 3 Trauma Informed Certifications:
    • Breathwork + Meditation
    • Sacred Microdosing Practitioner
    • Integration Specialist
  • Become Certified in:
    • Folk Herbalism
    • Akashic Records Readings
  • Learn how to rekindle your kinship with the Natural World, Ritual + Ceremony
  • Learn how to revolutionize your life with Self Ceremony so that you can step into your limitless self
  • Become trained + skilled in supporting your community with Microdosing
  • Build relationships with Plant Ally’s of various sorts
  • Connect into your True Path with Plant Medicine
  • Empower yourself with Integrating the lessons that the plants share with you
  • Learn how to support yourself + others in Shadow Work + Integration
  • Healing your body, mind + Spirit as you show up for this process
  • Empower yourself to learn + build relationship with various plants to support you & your community in your daily life as a Folk Herbalist


  • Receive All that is contained in Level 1 in addition to...
  • Receive 2 Additional Certifications:

    - Ceremonial Facilitation with Gentle yet Powerful Herbal Ally's like Cacao, Blue Lotus, Rose & more
    - Holy Fire Reiki Levels 1 + 2
  •  Learn how to deepen your relationship to your ancestral lineage and work with that to Magnify your Magic to a greater degree
  • Become skilled in Fertile Facilitation as a Guide + Teacher
  • Learn how to curate Traditional & Self Generated Ceremonies for yourself and your clients in both Private & Group Ceremonies
  • Learn how to work with another form of Energy Healing called Alchemical Healing to perform Psychic Surgery, work with the Elements in your Healing Session & More


  • Receive all that is included in Levels 1 & 2 of this Program, in addition to...
  • Receive Additional Certifications in:

    - Holy Fire Reiki Level 3 - Master Teacher
    - Ceremonial Facilitation with Expanded States of Consciousness
  • Learn how to cultivate magical transformative healing experiences for yourself + your community
  • Awaken to Alchemical Healing + Receive an opening of Hands for this form of energy work
  • Receive training to re-program your subconscious mind to support radical self-transformation
  • Deepen your Connection to the More & your Practice of Channeling from Higher Dimensional & Earthly Realm Energies, becoming a Clearer Channel
  • Learn Various forms of Manifestation to Co-Create your Life with the Divine for the Highest Good of All our Relations
  • Become Trained in Stewarding a Sacred Business rooted in Authentic & Aligned Service to create a ripple of healing in this world for the power of good 
  • Receive Support & Training on how to become an Impeccable Facilitator of Transformation
  • Learn how to be an Incredible & Authentic Leader who leads with your heart
  • Heal your Relationship with Money so that you can be a beautiful Wealth Custodian & break the chains and paradigm of "broke healer" and receive Holy Cash Money in beauty way so that you can create your BIG vision in this world.
  • Become rooted in Embodiment and Deep Trust of yourself, your channel & your relationship with the Divine, your Tools & Sacred Medicines

A Breakdown of the Levels & Who Is Invited to Join This Life-Changing Journey


It's my Soul's Calling to Uplift other Healers to Step into their Power, their Spiritual Gifts + Serve the World in beauty way.

I want to support you and your beautiful heart to serve in the ways that feel in alignment to your soul. I want to share with you the culmination of my life's work & over 10 years of experience to help awaken the world - welcoming the masses to expand their consciousness & heal - body, mind + spirit. This is SO much more than a program... it is a MOVEMENT, a REVOLUTION on this path to heal the collective and the Earth.


What Plant Medicine Magick includes...

Mentorship Calls

2, 45-75 min. LIVE Mentorship Calls per month. 

Level 3 receives a 3rd Training Call Every Month.

I'll poll everyone to find the time that works best for all joining this Cohort

Starting in March.

PLUS 2 Community Circle Calls with an Alumni Student every month to support you in the deepening.

Sacred Heart Healing Ceremony

We'll all gather together in Ceremony with one of my favorite healing Sacraments to co-create our lives with the MORE, the Divine, the Holy Creator.

How many do you receive?
Level 1: One
Level 2: Two
Level 3: Five

Multiple Certifications

Become a Well-Rounded Holistic Healer with a wide array of Certifications under your belt so that you can support yourself & your community. Including: Folk Herbalism, Akashic Record Readings, Sacred  Microdosing Practitioner, Integration Specialist, Trauma Informed Facilitation, Meditation & Breathwork, Energy Healing, Ceremony with Gentle Herbal Ally's & Expanded States of Consciousness

Lifetime Access to Curriculum

When enrolling in this course, you receive access to this course for the Lifetime of my Site - meaning you can access it any time to refresh your memory when you need along your journey. 

Monthly Gift Boxes

Every month, Tori sends a package straight to your doorstep full of the herbs you will be studying each month, alongside other tools for your path inside of this program, Books to read alongside the curriculum and other presents that she feel will support you inside your journey.

Group Signal Chat

To ensure that you feel well supported throughout our journey together, and can receive ongoing support in between our Mentorship Calls & Trainings - I offer a Private Group Chat for all students inside of Plant Medicine Magick so that you can ask all your questions, receive support as you move through your healing, initiations and lean into community when you need it most.

Recorded Curriculum

Tori's Signature Curriculum is available to access as soon as you enter the program where she shares with you the most important aspects of this path. 

You will receive the curriculum in addition to your LIVE calls with Tori, AND additional Monthly Bonus Trainings with Experts in their Field to support you on this path.

PMM Facebook Group

To support you in staying up to date, connecting in with your peers, to have a space to ask your questions, and to share updates, reminders, and receive the support you need in regard to your path and your Sacred Work; Tori offers a Private Facebook Group just for those journeying inside of this program.

Tori gifts you so much within this course, yet...

for those of you that dive in we offer some extra special gifts for saying YES to your heart & soul's calling

Tori is offering Special PAY IN FULL BONUSES until March 20th...

Level 1 Pay In Full Bonuses: 
  • Welcome Gift Box with Healing Herbs (VALUE: $200+)
  •  1 Private 60 min Mentorship Call with Tori (VALUE: $300)
  • 5 Months FREE Inside Tori's Vitality Vortex Monthly Membership (VALUE: $225)
Level 2 Pay In Full Bonuses: 
  • Welcome Gift Box with Healing Herbs (VALUE: $250+)
  •  1 Private 90 min Mentorship Call with Tori (VALUE: $450)
  • 6 Months FREE Inside Tori's Vitality Vortex Monthly Membership (VALUE: $270)
Level 3 Pay In Full Bonuses: 
  • Welcome Gift Box with Healing Herbs (VALUE: $350+)
  •  1 Private 2 hr Mentorship Call with Tori (VALUE: $600)
  • 12 Months FREE Inside Tori's Vitality Vortex Monthly Membership (VALUE: $270)
  • 1 Private 90 Minute Healing Session with Tori (VALUE: $300)

Fast Action BONUSES for those that enroll within 24 hours of their application call until March 20th...

Level 1 - 24 hr Fast Action Bonuses: 
  • Welcome Gift Box with Healing Herbs (VALUE: $100+)
  • 2 months FREE inside Tori's Monthly Membership - The Vitality Vortex (VALUE: $100+)
Level 2 - 24 hr Fast Action Bonuses: 
  • Welcome Gift Box with Healing Herbs (VALUE: $175+)
  • 3 months FREE inside Tori's Monthly Membership - The Vitality Vortex (VALUE: $150+)
Level 3 - 24 hr Fast Action Bonuses: 
  • Welcome Gift Box with Healing Herbs (VALUE: $200+)
  •  1 Private 90 min Mentorship Call with Tori (VALUE: $450)
  • 6 Months FREE Inside Tori's Vitality Vortex Monthly Membership (VALUE: $270)

Testimonial from Shay Alexandria

Master Herbalist, Gorgeous Conduit, & Powerful Holistic Healer


This is NOT for People Whom:

Are unwilling to do their own Shadow + Healing Work, are close-minded, are not willing to check themselves + their intentions, are wanting to do this for the sake of show or thinking that one is Holier-than-Thou, are not willing to be taught + mentored, or are not feeling an intuitive pull towards connecting with the Natural World. This is NOT for people who want to simply "play around" with Sacred Medicines, and not for those that are not self-responsible.

Join me on This Life Revolutionizing Journey Beginning on March 20th, 2025

Rekindle your relationship with the Natural World, Reweave your kinship with the land to remember the Ancient Wisdom of your Ancestors, while becoming Certified in Multiple Modalities to support the Expansion of Consciousness on Earth



A Breakdown of the True Value of the Different Levels of Plant Medicine Magick to share with you the Savings you receive by joining this program...


  • 5 months of Mentorship + Support…………………………………………………………..VALUE: $5,000
  • 2, 75 - 90 min calls per month [10 total].....................................................................VALUE: $1,500
  • Pre - Recorded Trauma Informed Breathwork + Meditation Certification.......… VALUE: $888
  • Monthly Gift boxes of Healing Plants [5 total]............................................................VALUE: $1000
  • Private Facebook Group for 5 months……………………………..........………………………….VALUE: $500
  • Private Group Chat for support during Business Hours………......................………….VALUE: $2,500
  • Sacred Heart Healing Ceremony retreat Weekend for Students- LIVE in Central MA….............................................................................................................................................VALUE: $2500
  • TOTAL VALUE…………………………..............................………………………………………………….........$13,888
  • INVESTMENT…………………………………………………ONLY $3,697 for EARLY BIRD or $4,500 after 2/15/25


  • 6 months of Mentorship + Support………………………………………………....…………..VALUE: $6,000
  • 2, 75 - 90 min calls per month [12 total]………………………………….........………………..VALUE: $1800
  • Pre - Recorded Trauma Informed Breathwork + Meditation Certification........…VALUE: $888
  • Pre - Recorded Holy Fire Level 1 + 2 Certifications…………………………............……..VALUE: $555
  • Monthly Gift boxes of Healing Plants [6 total]…………………….............…………………..VALUE: $1,200
  • Private Facebook Group for 6 months ………………………………………..........……………..VALUE: $600
  • Private Group Chat for support during Business Hours………………......................…..VALUE: $3,000
  • Sacred Heart Healing Ceremony Retreat for Students- LIVE in Central MA.............VALUE: $2,500
  • Additional Sacred Heart Healing Community Ceremony in MA…………………...………VALUE: $555
  • TOTAL VALUE…………………………………………………………......................................…………$17,098
  • INVESTMENT………………………………………………… ONLY $5,997 for EARLY BIRD or  $6,500 after 2/15/25


  • 12 months of Mentorship + Support…………………………………………………………………..VALUE: $12,000
  • 2, 75 - 90 min calls per month [24 total]…………………….....………………………………….….VALUE: $3,600
  • 1, 75-90 min VIP Semi - Private Call per month…………………………….....…...……………..VALUE: $1800
  • Pre - Recorded Trauma Informed Breathwork + Meditation Certification.......………..VALUE: $888
  • Pre - Recorded Holy Fire Reiki Trainings Levels 1, 2 + 3 / Masters…………...........…….. VALUE: $1,555
  • Monthly Gift boxes of Healing Plants [12 total]…………………………………........……………..VALUE: $2,400
  • Private Facebook Group for 12 months …………………………………………….……......………..VALUE: $1,200
  • Private Group Chat for support during Business Hours…………………………...............…..VALUE: $1,200
  • Attend 3 LIVE Sacred Heart Healing Ceremonies to receive in person training within the year [in Central MA]…………………………………………………………….............................……….……………………..VALUE: $1,665
  • 2 x Sacred Heart Healing Ceremony Weekend Retreat for Students- LIVE in Central MA………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………......VALUE: $5,000
  • TOTAL VALUE………………………………………………………................................................………$31,308
  • INVESTMENT………………………………………........ ONLY $12,997 for EARLY BIRD or $14,500 after 2/15/25

BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ & Need Based Scholarships Available

We're offering Partial Scholarships to BIPOC, LGBTQIA + peoples & Those of you going through Financial Hardship that range from savings of $999 to $6,000 off to rise up those who are deeply desiring to serve their communities in this path of Sacred Service. 

We know times have been tough on so many within this economy - Tori isn't blind to it one bit, and knows that those of you feeling soul called and missioned to this work are meant for it. Tori offers customized payment plans to ensure you can make your dreams become your reality. 

There are LIMITED Partial Scholarships Available, if you are in need of one to journey through this program, please apply today. 


Guarantee & Refund Policy

We guarantee that if you implement everything we teach you and you still feel as though you aren't ready to go and support your community - we'll offer you an additional MONTH in the program at no cost to you.

We do not offer refunds on this course, due to the Nature of how much Tori GIFTS you inside and that we know our curriculum is TRIED & TRUE and Delivers on our promise, yet we will support you in feeling confident in this work before we send you out into the world to serve. 

If you feel the pull this is FOR you...
yet you're second guessing, questioning if this is the path for you, but you keep feeling pulled to apply to join Tori inside,

or if you're worried about investing in yourself because you're struggling to believe that you can do this - I hear you, I see you, I was you...

I recommend applying and taking a leap of faith in yourself to heed this Calling to serve yourself and your community, and we'll be here the whole way supporting you in revolutionizing your confidence to steward this work and support yourself and others in transforming lives for the betterment of humanity. 

Why Plant Medicine Magick?

This course is so much more than your typical Microdosing & Integration Course...

It's a Trauma Informed Holistic Healing Path and Way of Life that Tori is welcoming you into, teaching you how to come in beauty way to all of life & treating life as the Sacred Journey that it is. 

It will gift you with Multiple Certifications, Beautiful Lifelong Community, so much healing AND guide you to trusting yourself, your connection with the Divine & become a phenomenal facilitator of Transformation and Healing that you've always known resides deep within you.

It teaches you how to reconnect with land & Mother Nature to bridge this gap that causes so much suffering in this world - and help you to reawaken your kinship with the land and connecting into the Gaian Mind.

While teaching you how to integrate all of the wisdom and magic you experience while communing with these Plant Spirits.

We have bundled together all that you need in one place rather than having to buy a bunch of different courses to support you in this Sacred & Life Revolutionizing work. 

It is the Path of the Hummingbird Prophecy - where these Ancient and Indigenous Ways are passed down to bring us all into New Earth Consciousness and Healing far beyond our greatest visions. 


" Working with you was exactly what I needed in a time of uncertainty in new beginnings. I felt so safe and supported under your incredibly intuitive guidance as you helped me navigate stepping into my untapped power. The transformations that unfolded within me during our time together felt nothing short of magic and I could NOT have done it without you! I'll carry all of your love and wisdom with me as I continue on my journey. This is definitely a time I will look back on fondly. I do hope to work with you again in the future. Until then, Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so wonderfully you!"

Melisa H.
Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Mentor & Published Poet

Pathways to Journey Inside Plant Medicine Magick

This multi-level program offers you to journey either for yourself & your own empowerment; AND the option to journey deeper to become a Holistic Healer for your community. There are 3 different pathways, depending on what you desire for yourself.




✔️ 5 Months of Mentorship 

✔️ 10 Mentorship Calls with Tori

✔️ Trauma Informed Breathwork & Meditation Certification

✔️ Akashic Records Training & Certification

✔️ Folk Herbalism Certification

✔️ Microdosing & Integration Certification

✔️ 5 Giftboxes of Herbs, Spirit Tools & Books shipped to your door

✔️ 1 Retreat Weekend in Central Massachusetts (Friday - Sunday)

✔️ 1 Sacred Heart Healing Ceremony in your Graduation Retreat Weekend

✔️ Group Signal Chat for ongoing Support

✔️ Facebook Group for the Plant Medicine Magick Community

✔️ A beautiful Community of Like-Minded Healers

✔️ Monthly Bonus Trainings with Experts in their Field 





✔️ 6 Months of Mentorship 

✔️ 12 Mentorship Calls with Tori

✔️ Trauma Informed Breathwork & Meditation Certification

✔️ Akashic Records Training & Certification

✔️ Folk Herbalism Certification

✔️ Microdosing & Integration Certification

✔️ Holy Fire Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Certifications

✔️ Ceremonial Facilitation with Gentle Herbal Ally's Certification 

✔️ 6 Giftboxes of Herbs, Spirit Tools & Books shipped to your door

✔️ 1 Retreat Weekend in Central Massachusetts (Friday - Sunday)

✔️ 1 Sacred Heart Healing Ceremony in your Graduation Retreat Weekend

✔️ 1 Sacred Heart Healing Group Community Ceremony with Tori

✔️ Group Signal Chat for ongoing Support

✔️ Facebook Group for the Plant Medicine Magick Community

✔️ A beautiful Community of Like-Minded Healers

✔️ Monthly Bonus Trainings with Experts in their Field 





✔️ 12 Months of Mentorship 

✔️ 24 Mentorship Calls with Tori

✔️ 12 Level 3 Specific Training Calls with Tori 

✔️ Trauma Informed Breathwork & Meditation Certification

✔️ Akashic Records Training & Certification

✔️ Folk Herbalism Certification

✔️ Microdosing & Integration Certification

✔️ Holy Fire Reiki Levels 1, 2 & 3 / Master Teacher Certifications

✔️ Ceremonial Facilitation with Gentle Herbal Ally's Certification 

✔️ Ceremonial Facilitation with Psychedelic Medicines Certification

✔️ 12 Giftboxes of Herbs, Spirit Tools & Books shipped to your door

✔️ 2 Retreat Weekends in Central Massachusetts (Friday - Sunday)

✔️ 2 Sacred Heart Healing Ceremonies in your Graduation Retreat Weekends

✔️ 3 Additional Sacred Heart Healing Group Community Ceremonies with Tori

✔️ Group Signal Chat for ongoing Support

✔️ Facebook Group for the Plant Medicine Magick Community

✔️ A beautiful Community of Like-Minded Healers

✔️ Monthly Bonus Trainings with Experts in their Field 


Meet Your Mentor -
Tori Cummings

Tori Cummings is a Medicine Wombyn, Priestess, Holistic Healer, + International Teacher who awoke to the Natural World again through a journey with Psilocybin Mushrooms 10 years ago.

With this experience, she was shown her purpose in this world. The Spirits of the plants began to call her forward to work with them - she dove into studying Herbalism + rekindling her connection to the Natural World and all the blessings that Mother Earth supplies all around us.

This rippled into a journey that Tori thought unimaginable, yet she had been in a deep prayer as she worked with these Sacred Plant Spirits to be shown how to be of the highest use + service.

This is when the teachers came - for multiple healing modalities + carrying plant medicine and following the Medicine Woman Path. Where she studied with Shamans, Healers + Mystics to learn the nuances of subtle energy, of what these entheogenic plants are capable of, alongside of becoming trained in Fertile Facilitation within Ceremony settings.

Tori has been hosting + assisting Ceremonies of all sorts for over 6 years, alongside beautiful medicine carriers, while learning along the way how to integrate the teachings of these Sacred Plants of various sorts + do the deep shadow work that it takes to become an open-hearted leader + torch carrier in her community.

She recognized the power of Microdosing + has been doing Private Sessions with Clients in her community to support them with this beautiful process + desires for this to be more widely spread + done in a really impeccable way. The most profound story Tori has about her journey with microdosing was after a serious health scare from a mold-infested living situation that brought her into a Dark Night of the Soul where she fell deep into depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation + what felt like withering away as her body got skinnier + skinnier. She turned to Microdosing at this time in her life and pulled herself out of the trenches, moved out of that space + healed her body, mind + spirit after that dark time that felt all encompassing. She returned stronger + more empowered than ever before + utilizes microdosing as needed now a days to support her in her journey of deepening her intuition, leadership + supporting her clients both in person + online

Tori has 10 years of real life experience walking this path, as a Holistic Healer + Way Shower, including being trained and certified in Ceremonial Facilitation, Energy Healing [Holy Fire Reiki Master + Alchemical Healing], Breathwork + Meditation, 1000+ hrs in Yoga Teaching Training, Expanded States of Consciousness, Bodywork, + Herbalism and it would be an honor for her to share these deeply Sacred Ways + Teachings with you.

With utmost love,

50% Complete

Two Step

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